
Square has resolved this issue, Occasion booking fees are routing normally again.

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We've disabled the feature that was causing the issue until Square fixes it on their side. You will receive booking fees on your own account for now and will be charged them back on your credit card. If you have any questions around this please contact us at

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We are currently experiencing an issue with Square affecting all customers on a per-booking fee plan.

To mitigate this, we temporarily disabled Square's automatic booking-fee collecting technology. This means that the usual Occasion booking fees are now temporarily being credited on your Square account instead of ours.

We are actively working together with Square to resolve this issue. If you receive bookings while this issue is being resolved, Occasion will charge the credit card we have on file for the booking fees that have been credited to your account. No action on your end is required.

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We've confirmed there is a problem. We are working on a workaround until the Square support team solves their problem. Their team is coming online at 6 AM PDT and we hope they will help us quickly.

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We see some errors with the Square Payment Processor.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Integrations
    • Payment Processors